Reconeer® Transjugular Intrahepatic Puncture Biopsy Kit

The Reconeer® Transjugular Intrahepatic Puncture Biopsy Kit involves insertion of a catheter through the jugular vein, creation of a venous channel through a guide, and delivery of a biopsy needle into the liver, ultimately obtaining liver histopathology.
Reconeer® Transjugular Intrahepatic Puncture Biopsy Kit

Reconeer® Transjugular Intrahepatic Puncture Biopsy Kit:

  • The Biopsy Needle Kit/Single Kit can be adapted for use with a variety of jugular vein intrahepatic puncture systems.
  • 20mm complete tissue samples, one-shot acquisition, to meet the needs of both clinical and research needs.
  • Biopsy needle marking point design, to achieve accurate positioning, to avoid accidental penetration injury.
  • High hardness metal material for ultra-low friction and smooth cornering.
  • PTFE lubricated coating for multiple sampling.
  • Ergonomic design for more direct feedback from the operator's touch.


 NMPA:  国械注准20243140843


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